Tuesday, 27 March 2012

iTunes Upperfilter Lowerfilter issue. CD/DVD drive not visible in My Computer. (or Error Code 39 for the cd/dvd drive)

Even though iTunes troubleshooting is no in-scope for us, we still need to confirm from the customer if they use iTunes software or not before doing the Upperfilter/Lowerfilter removal process, as that would cause the iTunes to stop working.
ONLY if the customer doesn‘t mind iTunes not working and can use an alternate program like Windows Media player or Windows Media center, go ahead with the Upperfilter/Lowerfilter removal process.

Also, in such cases, you can suggest in to the customer that this is kind of a known issue with the iTunes software and several links on the Apple support website confirm the same(http://discussions.apple.com/category.jspa?categoryID=149). This would make them aware.

And most importantly, if you remove the Upperfilter/Lowerfilter entries or the same is mentioned in the CPCL, DO NOT refer to DSS for iTunes error/troubleshooting as the iTunes issue happens due to Upperfilter/Lowerfilter removal.

There are alternate fixes available which can correct the CD/DVD drive functionality without affecting iTunes.

Here are some of the possible fixes I have found:

Fix 1:
1. Do a search for a file -GEARAspiWDM.inf in C drive
2. Right click and install
3. Reboot the computer
4. itunes should be working without the error

Fix 2(iTunes for Windows XP: Troubleshooting CD issues caused by device filters):
iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7: Troubleshooting CD issues caused by device filters
iTunes for Windows: "Registry settings" warning when opening iTunes

Fix 3:
Reference article and fix:-
CD/DVD drives disappear after installing GEARAspi drivers

Fix 4:
Updating the Gear software/driver from the link(http://www.gearsoftware.com/support/drivers.php

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